NiD27 updated
6 years ago
May I use and modify this project, and which license should I follow?
I want to make a tool basically same as OpenVRTwtichChat but for a non-english platform.
Not sure what caused this, or what it means. Though it's a result of a null point exception but points to a few lines of code...
java.io.IOException: Premature EOF
at sun.net.www.h…
java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 504 for URL: http://tmi.twitch.tv/group/user/abkayckay/chatters
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpUR…
Hello, I am a relatively new Java programmer and had a question about the connect method. The connect function is not static and the Main Method is. I'm getting errors and i don't know what to do.
Ive tested commands, I can get "!bonus" to fire as command event. but "!bonus name" will not. couldnt figure it out.
Related to #10, with the addition of the C++11 thread and queue classes to the included libraries, the Command Limit class instance can be re-written to accommodate the current needs of the system und…
Mentioned to you that I may have a stab at porting Meebey's IrcConnection into .NetStandard1.6.
This so far. I ditched the DCC functionality, as we don't need it.
Hey, So I sent a whisper via console and it was not appearing on twitch but showed in console.
Console Output:
MSG #swiftor : /w kayc01 kayc01, you have started a Transfer Gamble, kayc01 you have …
I'm trying to build a collection of active channel users by using TwitchLib events. The idea is to have a dictionary with username as key and add/remove entry depending on events.
TwitchLib has the f…