### The feature can be any of the following:
- UI improvement
- Documentation/README.md
- Animations
- Typing Effect
- Fonts enhancement
- Dark-Light mode toggle, [refer↗](https://wikilite.verce…
# 🐞 bug report
### Is this a regression?
### Description
When typing in a field with a mask, the mask disappears. What version of ngx-mask should I use with my Angular v6.1 project?
### Version
### Steps to reproduce
1. Set `typing` prop to 1
2. Change `typing` prop to -1 during the typing animation
3. Set `typing` prop to 1 again after animation
### Expected beha…
Hey, as you can see in the image below, on the login page, when you try to enter your email and password, the keyboard covers the text boxes, making it impossible to see what you're typing.
Fixes -…
Hi, how can i set the typing animation when i got a msg and turn off before send the wit msg
and how can i add Get Start Button?
Remove the text based input field and replace with typing animation that displays hovered word or cheat code.
Hi, yesterday I ran migration from Android studio from Jetifier to Androidx and it changed react-native-typing-animation. What do you think? It is necessary or useless?
patch for 0.1.7:
diff …
### Windows Terminal version
### Windows build number
### Other Software
_No response_
### Steps to reproduce
- set cursor blinkrate to slowest in system control -> …
Idea inspired by the awesome suggestion from @Pirijan [here](https://twitter.com/pketh/status/1546137839007662080?s=20&t=km16bWoovP0OzKC6UhzFkQ).
Hi. I found a err message.
I tried ng build --prod but It can't
message is
Type TypingAnimationDirective in
MyFolder/node_modules/angular-typing-animation/typing-animation.directive.d.ts …
SimJH updated
5 years ago