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# The Scaling Hypothesis · Gwern.net
**DESCRIPTION:** "GPT-3, announced by OpenAI in May 2020, is the largest neura…
1996 fantasies: [The World-Wide Web as a Super-Brain: from metaphor to model](https://web.archive.org/web/20160304113729/http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/papers/WWW-Super-Brain.pdf) in: Cybernetics and System…
Since the inputs are graphs and couldn't be squeezed onto one axis, how should we visualize the uncertainty predictions in regression tasks?
The goal is to identify and summarize [biological strategies](https://toolbox.biomimicry.org/methods/discover/) found in research papers or other datasources, then abstract them into [design strategie…
Within "evaluation metrics", talk about how ROUGE is not really intended for machine translation, and the pitfalls thereof.
You will see the problem in the text below, this is with using gpt-4o and version 0.5 of agent zero, but have similar issues with other models
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> Write a college level …