### Describe the bug
从 0.19.12 升级到 0.19.13 出现
"dependencies": {
"@css-render/vue3-ssr": "^0.15.14",
"date-fns": "^4.1.0",
"valaxy": "0.19.12",
mcoo updated
2 months ago
Many users have encountered significant issues during the build process after upgrading the Valaxy version. For instance, a comparison between versions v0.19.9 and v0.19.10 in a personal environment r…
当前 valaxy-addon-bangumi 使用0.2.1
设置 CSS 样式
mewhz updated
2 months ago
### Clear and concise description of the problem
addon 可能会有自己的 frontmatter 字段,在 addon 中访问 frontmatter 得不到想要的 ts 类型,比如:https://github.com/YunYouJun/valaxy/blob/7f147989b162ce726dc0d22204265d60516799cb…
### Describe the bug
waline 有新评论会发送邮件,其中包含了文章链接和博客链接,但是点击无任何响应,
waline 后台文章跳转链接点击跳转报错
**valaxy-theme-hairy: v1.2.4**
When at least one of the values in the tags is blank, the blog page cannot be opened.
For example, in front matter, delete "111" or "222" or both, blog page can …
### Clear and concise description of the problem
经过测试发现,global属性设置为 true或者false,播放器始终在左下角,好像没效果。没太理解global的作用
而且文章的aplayer: true|false也不能控制左下角的播放器显示隐藏
### Suggested solution
### Clear and concise description of the problem
valaxy 使用的medium-zoom 好像只能缩放,没有图片翻转功能。
### Suggested solution
希望集成 Element Plus的ElImage组件,提供图片翻转功能。
### Alternative
_No response_
### Additional …
### Describe the bug
进入标签或分类页面后,点一个标签,再点另一个标签,下面就无法显示任何文章了。dev 和构建后的异常好像不太一样。
你的网站也有这个问题,可以直接去看 ↓
### Reproduction
### System Info
valaxy 0.19.9
qtqz updated
2 months ago
### Describe the bug