A tracking issue for one of the most opinionated kinds of libraries!
Why not use the cljsjs [virtual-dom](https://clojars.org/cljsjs/virtual-dom)
`[cljsjs/virtual-dom "2.1.1-0"]`
Any progress/plans for this framework/library?
When I tested default configuration of this component (without changes) I have received Vue warning:
Looks like some problems with tables you used for chart nodes creation.
Thank you for you…
Run the template string as through the rehype parser. And then do some post processing to merge it in with the templast system.
Virtual DOM 归根到底是JavaScript对象,(温馨提示:VNode和oldVNode都是对象,一定要记住)
## 为什么用Virtual DOM
由于在浏览器中操作DOM是很昂贵的。频繁的操作DOM,会产生一定的性能问题。这就是虚拟Dom的产生原因。而 Virtual DOM 就是用一个原生的 JS 对象去描述一个 DOM 节点,所以它比创建一个 DOM 的代价要小很多…
See https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom
Regarding issue https://github.com/guardian/scribe/issues/209, I've started to experiment with how we might use a virtual DOM for the formatters in Scribe.
Currently we reset Scribe’s `innerHTML` eve…
In hope to free you a little from routine tasks I rewrote TodoJS presentation code
with virtual-dom of ocharles https://github.com/ocharles/virtual-dom.git :
In React you are using a virtual DOM that React uses to render updates quickly. I would suggest using the virtual DOM at all times, this means not accessing the actual DOM using APIs such as `document…
Descartes looks like a great way to handle CSS. It would be really great if it could work with virtual DOM API's like: Inferno, Snabbdom, Virtual-DOM and others. Working with Decartes in Cycle.js woul…