I'm using `POWERLEVEL9K` theme on zsh. When I activate a virtual environment, the theme doesn't change to show the name of the current environment. I sometimes forgot to deactivate it. How to s…
$dep version
version : v0.4.1
build date : 2018-01-24
git hash : 37d9ea0a
go version : go1.9.1
go compiler : gc
platform : linux/amd64
Currently, I have …
Here's a simplified example:
(hello) callpraths@remote-workstation:/mnt/work/go/src/hello$ tree
├── hello
├── hello.go
└── internal
└── hello2
└── hello2.go
(hello) cal…
I'm currently using Gogland for go development. Switching over to vg definitely helps with reducing CPU load and in general making gogland snappier.
Running tests still works as expected. When sett…
Below `github.com/qubit-sh/go-crypto` is a persisted package (symlinked from `/Users/mmuthanna/.virtualgo/qubit/src/github.com/qubit-sh/go-crypto`.)
$ vg ensure -- -v -update
Running "dep ens…
Locking deps that are needed only at build or test time would
1. make fetching them easier: `dep ensure`
1. allow for more reproducible builds
Example of such dependencies:
1. go tools required …
I have two packages being developed:
packages in mystuff import packages in shared as 'import "shared"'. These are private branches, inaccessible …