The file configuration.json was created
Error on bootstrap:
fn = function () { throw arg; };
Can't create table `news`.`userprivacities`…
ref https://github.com/wejs/we/issues/158
Use Vue.js or Ember.js?
This admin will be added in bower and loaded in project
See https://github.com/wejs/we-core
**Plugin list:** https://github.com/wejs?page=1&query=-plugin
### Work to do:
#### Move to [we-core](https://github.com/wejs/we-core) :
- [x] we-plugin-core
- [x] w…
Current API is soo limited, new we.js v1.2 webcompoents feature will solve problems related to dinamic crud
ref https://github.com/wejs/we-plugin-comment/issues/1
One node.js image with GraphicsMagick (gm) and other connected image for mysql or postgreSQL
The We.js has evolved in recent years but left some modules along the way.
We need to alert users that these are old or unused modules
Add deprecated:
- [ ] https://www.npmjs.com/package/we-component…
Link: https://github.com/leftmostcat/passport-oauth2-password-grant
Configs for test with ember.js: https://github.com/simplabs/ember-simple-auth/issues/316