hay otro tipo de bot de whatsapp ?
### What would you like to share?
Create a bot that supports Telegram, WhatsApp, and Discord, allowing users to seamlessly send and receive multi-currency funds across these platforms. Using their gi…
We will send message summary from email to whatsapp
### **Description:**
This GitHub issue proposes adding a **WhatsApp Group Tagging Bot** to the repository. The bot, developed in **Python** using **Selenium**, will automate the process of **taggin…
## Project Detail
CARE is a centralized capacity management and patient management system, central to the 10BedICU Project, integrating patients, doctors, hospitals, labs, specialized treatment cen…
import time
import pywhatkit
import openpyxl
import emoji
# Variaveis
smiley = emoji.emojize(':smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:')
handy = emoji.emojize(':hand_with_fingers_splayed:')
Make a bot which will automate some commands in whatsapp
how do you use nsfw?
Whatsapp bot