Is it possible to do that?
I tried smth like that
Yabeda::Rails.on_controller_action do |event, labels|
next unless Rails.configuration.measured_actions.include? "#{labels[:controller]}…
Merff updated
3 years ago
Thanks for all the work on this great gem. Is there a simple way to protect the "/metrics" endpoint using a bearer token? Or is it the way to go to use a middleware for this? As far as I know, it is p…
Hi Yabeda-rb team,
We've bumped into issues like this
![Screenshot 2020-04-14 17 55 37](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2749593/79211758-3b583300-7e79-11ea-9635-a04b49cb1365.png)
Hey @Envek,
How can I add a custom tag to default sidekiq metrics. Right now a default tag gets added to all the sidekiq metrics. Is there a way to add a tag to just one metrics?
I try to use this gem with "prometheus_exporter", "~> 2.0" And I wants to mount this prometheus_exporter to rails routes but according to my research and a lot of tries i found that it is not allow to…
I'm considering turning off certain metrics that I think negligible because our metrics have too high cardinality. Is there any way to do that? If not, I'd love to make a pull request.
We managed to make this work by adding the following to puma.rb
on_worker_boot(:connection_pool_timer) do |index, data|
ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
ollym updated
11 months ago
Started seeing this recently:
IOError: Couldn't read whole file, read 28672, instead of 131072
Hi, thanks for this beautiful gem.
I see that we can added static labels in sidekiq job (on official page of a gem):
_Custom labels can be added for individual jobs by defining a class method on the…
About a year ago, `prometheus-client-mmap` replaced the C extension with Rust, so now Rust is required to install `prometheus-client-mmap` and hence this `yabeda-prometheus-mmap` gem seeing as `promet…