I took this model
wget https://www.rocq.inria.fr/cluster-willow/amiech/howto100m/s3d_howto100m.pth
wget https://www.rocq.inria.fr/cluster-willow/amiech/howto100m/s3d_dict.npy
and code fro…
In the caption task, I see you have **youcookii_videos_features.pickle** to record video features. Now, I want to test this model in my own video dataset. How can I build up this file? I follow this g…
now, I execute the step about **Prepare the data to train the Agent.**
Does this code need to execute very long time because now I spent one day to run this python file?
`python download_yo…
may I get your processed dataset instead of the original dataset
Hi, @ArrowLuo , many thanks for your previous replies, very helpful.
May I ask is the provided weights based on the pre-trained work on Howto100M dataset? When I do the video captioning downstream …
Hi, @ArrowLuo . I propose to fine tune the model with single transcript as input, so I generate another .pickle for youcookii_videos_features whose numpy arrays are set to be 'nan' for all single ele…
Hi, @ArrowLuo , I am fine tuning the model on captioning downstream task, however, I find its evaluation performance is much poor than benchmark in paper. Actually I have set epoch to be 10 and batch …
From your experiments,on YouCookII, Howto100m pre-trained features help a lot than 2D3D features. Have you tried using pre-trained features on ActivityNet? Is it because Howto100m pre-trained features…
Thanks for releasing the codes. May I ask where is youcookii_annotations_trainval.json?
Hi, thanks for the wonderful work.
I want to caption my own videos giving the video frames (without transcript), can I use the pretrained weight (`univl.pretrained.bin`) provided in the repository di…