I am a Chinese player. 3DMigoto Launcher doesn't work. Genshin Impact cannot be opened. Currently it can be started by reducing the mod. Or disconnect from the network. Can you help us fix him.
Error message which says 'Could not find Game's Location, please find GenshinImpact.exe or YuanShen.exe'.
How do i fix this?
通过#268 issue提到的参数启动游戏的摇杆在高分辨率下特别小,但当时使用yuanshen_laucher.exe(目前4.3版本已经用不了这个exe启动了)启动的时候摇杆是跟移动端差不多大小,逆向了一下yuanshen_laucher.exe(目前4.3版本已经用不了这个exe启动了)的patchstub_temp.dll库里边有个 **MoleMole_MonoJoyStick_H4__T…
imcdd updated
9 months ago
### Checklist
- [x] I have already read [docs/Tips.md](https://github.com/Scighost/Starward/blob/main/docs/Tips.md), but my feature is not implemented.
- [X] My suggested feature was not mentioned by…
If someone needs to get history easily on Linux without manually opening data_2, here's a Bash script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
function get_path_from_pid() {
# tee eats…
### 需求内容
### 实现思路&截图
![Screenshot_2024-09-15-22-44-31-618_com miHoYo…
XY50 updated
2 months ago
安装至C盘似乎会导致相关反和谐文件消失,即"C:\Genshin Impact\Genshin Impact Game\YuanShen_Data\Persistent\AssetBundles\blocks"消失,尽量安装至D盘或其它!
### Checklist
- [X] I have already read [docs/Tips.md](https://github.com/Scighost/Starward/blob/main/docs/Tips.md), but my question is not solved.
- [X] My question was not mentioned by others, and …
一直以来,原神官服启动器的下载模式饱受玩家诟病,其采用的压缩包-解压的模式会占用两倍于压缩包的存储空间。从原神 4.5 版本的预下载开始,启动器加入了全新的 Chunk 下载模式,解决了这个缺点。在此模式下,单个游戏资源文件被切分为多个块分别被下载,最后在本地组合成一个整体。
## 灰度测试
Chunk 下载模式正处于灰度测试中,但是可以通过修改 API 的返回值强制开启。启动器会…