The current circuit uses a Merkle tree to check that input note commitments are in the commitment set. This requires dMerkle = 29 SHA256Compress evaluations to check each input, which is the majority …
daira updated
2 years ago
When the address contains more than 10 Veil the global address should add a bonus 10 Veil zerocoin to the next available block. it should continue to do so until the balance falls below 10 Veil.
I …
Tell me how to build xecoind in ubuntu
Várias vezes vieram perguntar "quando é que vamo faze uma bitcoin pirata?"
Seja lá qual for o motivo das pessoas, se pra fins de estudo, pra experiência social, isso realmente é uma coisa que o Parti…
PrivateCoin object deserializarion doesn't work.
Just one example:
libzerocoin::PrivateCoin newCoin(params);
CDataStream serializedPrivCoin(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
1. obj directory should be included
2. lots of groestl warning messages - why is this code even referenced since this is a pure scrypt coin?
Following discussions with newcomers to the Veil community in Discord, and despite clear instructions within the wallet while the "You're new here" window is available, users, old or new, do not read …
Occasionally I use `listtransactions "*" nnn` to check my wallet's history as I keep a spreadsheet with everything in it. Some other times I use `listsinceblock BlockHash`.
Not having done this…
After restarting snodecoind, daemon constantly restarts itself and chain cannot be reloaded. Only way around the problem is restarting with -reindex parameter which is not ideal. Daemon should be ab…