Zydis should provide more (official) language bindings:
- [ ] Create C++ wrapper class bindings (@flobernd)
- [ ] Create C# bindings (@flobernd)
- [x] Create Go bindings
- [ ] Create Java bindin…
1. not found unistd.h
2. __attribute__(noinline) does't not work for MSVC
1. not found unistd.h
Hey, i am new to cpp and i tried using the amalgamated files but I am getting a bunch of errors when compiling my dll
warning C4273: 'ZydisDisassembleATT': inconsistent dll link
on nixos ([zycore.nix](https://github.com/milahu/nur-packages/raw/a838357827a938b70f4dd18b8bb63ba8b34b5ee7/pkgs/development/libraries/zycore/default.nix))
Does zydis-rs already support one of the wasm targets? If not, what is the outlook for this?
I'll admit, I haven't researched this too thoroughly, so maybe the answer is obvious already. In any cas…
Hooking the function for `ZYDIS_FORMATTER_FUNC_POST_OPERAND` does not seem to behave as documented. if the function returns `ZYAN_STATUS_SUCCESS` then the source operand is dropped from th…
440bx updated
7 months ago
It would be useful, particularly to a Zydis newcomer, to have the function parameters be annotated using MS SAL conventions, e.g, _in_, _inout_, etc
Initially the annotations could be li…
440bx updated
7 months ago
I have tested 2 types of AND operations providing 2 different decoded results:
Just to test this, in the formatter01.c sample, I redefined ZyanU8 data[] to these:
ZyanU8 data[] =
Hi there,
I just tryed to build `xed` on a Windows 10 machine with Visual Studio 2022 (v17.4.1):
[MBUILD WARNING] Command execution failed. Waiting for remaining jobs and exiting.
R: 0 P: …
CPUInfoBox support for some other instructions like CMOV and FCMOV also needs this. IsBranchGoingToExecute and IsConditionalGoingToExecute in zydis_wrapper may be unified so that we can continue using…