There is always a white background that cannot be set to transparent making it impossible to achieve the second example(orange) without having that annoying white background behind the curved header.
This is my second draft of a proposal for code generation ("code gen" from now on) through specialized classes called "macros". The issue where this is being discussed is #1482 and my first proposal i…
Given the following code
class CodeInput extends StatelessWidget {
final codeControl = InputCodeControl(
inputRegex: '^[0-9]',
final Function onDone;
**Image.network load failed.**
Hi there,
Thanks for the quick MIT License update. I see you have also moved to using overlays instead of pushing a PageRouteBuilder. I was already experimenting with overlay changes in my fork by …
Some Material widgets are missing a themeable mouse cursor.
## Use case
For example, desktop-oriented themes might not want cursors changing over buttons and alike. In this case, it would be des…
I want to define accentColor , scaffoldBackgroundColor , for each brightness.
also I have some textTheme which I want to define for each brightness.
but if I write scaffoldBackgroundColor like bello…
received this message but i initiated the zettle sdk as per your documentation.
Unhandled Exception: Exception: Zettle SDK is not initialized. You should call Zettle.init(iosClientId, androidClientId…
I need another instance of the ```AutoScrollTag``` be ```SliverAutoScrollTag``` so i can use it inside CustomScrollView.
Please note that my ```itemBuilder``` is a ```SliverGrid``` and i want to wrap…