Tried installing dse 4.6.0, getting this error
**WindowsError: [Error 206] The filename or extension is too long.**
$ ccm create --dse -v 4.6.0 --dse-username=username@mail --dse-passwor…
We are using a DataStax Enterprise node, that it is based on hadoop 1.0.4. So far, there is no possibility to upgrade to hadoop 2. We are using version 0.5.0 of spark-redshift. When we want to write a…
This is probably not an issue with the module but rather an issue with me not knowing what i am doing. Basically, i am setting up a RHEL7 system with the DataStax Enterprise stack of software. My fi…
We need to find out is it possible to run several C\* nodes on the same mesos slave.
Please refer to http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/running-multiple-datastax-enterprise-nodes-in-a-single-host
While it may be possible to install dsc20 from a Datastax Enterprise Repo there is no way that the DSE cassandra can be installed and configured using the templates and recipes in this repository. The…
❯ ccm create dse476 --dse --dse-username= --dse-password= -n 1 -v 4.7.6
Downloading http://downloads.datastax.com/enterprise/dse-4.7.6-bin.tar.gz to /var/folders/rv/nw5w5tjj4p15z5t9rkmc4xbc0000gn/…
Hi there,
I'm opening an issue because I'm running out of options! :smile:
I have a Datastax Enterprise cluster (v4.6) running Spark 1.1, I installed the job server (0.4.1) on the master node and ev…
Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install dsc22' returned 100: Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Some packa…
I'm getting the following. Was wondering if this is a key permissions issue or an AMI permissions issue?
Using configuration file: ~/.clusterlauncher.conf
Welcome to DataStax' Cassandra Clu…