I'm trying to implementing a model in numpyro ([PMF](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/2007/file/d7322ed717dedf1eb4e6e52a37ea7bcd-Paper.pdf)), and I'm stuck on a particular bit to do with plates…
# Event Information
| Category | Details |
| Reactor Topic | Data Science and Machine Learning |
| Workshop Topic | Predict basketball player stats by using machine learnin…
#### Description
One of my end users managed to request the same movie twice.
The end-user was able to request the same movie after more ten 30 seconds from the initial request (see logs text).
Incluir e mostrar os ratings de um filme
F, Other, 14, Documentary: 7
F, Other, 56, Documentary: 6
M, Academic/Educator, 14, Animation: 9
F, Academic/Educator, 14, Documentary: 0
M, Academic/Educator, 14, Documentary: 3
M, Academic/Educ…
I don't know if the problem is only for the commas, I noticed that the film will be surrounded by " " (in the csv file) when it contains commas, and the script crashes. I solved this by searching and …
### 지금 내 브랜치 로컬에서 수정 중이라 혹 궁금할까봐 중간중간 여기에 복붙해놓을게
### ㅇㅅㅇ 💻
# CSE364 Group11
## Table of Contents
* [About the Project](#about-the-project)
* [Built with](#built-with)
* [Repository Stru…
**What build of DuckieTV are you using (Standlone / Chrome Extension (New Tab / Browser Action))**
**What version of DuckieTV are you using (Stable 1.1.x / Nightly yyyymmddHHMM)**