Ran /tests/resnet50.py and /tests/alexnet.py
**For resnet50 I got this error**
Max error: 1079778560.0
**For alexnet I got this error**
Max error: 0.11586…
File "c:\users\hemanth\anaconda2\lib\site-packages\requests\api.py", line 58, in request
return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
File "c:\users\hemanth\anaconda2\lib\site-pack…
As seen on the environments list here: http://docs.floydhub.com/home/environments/
tensorflow:py2 claims to create an environment with Keras 2.0.4 on Python2, however it still is on Keras 1.2.2
Before trying to reproduce published results #11 just get a set of results for the Stanford Sentiment data set. This is a smoke test to give me some confidence that this is working for release 1.0.0.
This could be a misunderstanding on my part, but `floyd delete` does not delete *output* data.
Trying to delete data via. the web interface has the same problem.
Trying to start the notebook that also syncs a zip file fails.
I know this zip file should just be uploaded as data instead, but it is probably good to handle this properly with a message like "Max…
Please add a feature in which if I delete any job using command prompt, there is an option to delete data downloaded or related to that job.
Currently, the inriaxmlwrapper code (which we use for lexical lookup of forms), reads in XML, and does XPATH search each time when a form is queried.
To speed this up, we could use a suitable data…
Can I suggest a lesson/page similar to AWS but for FloydHub?
CJL89 updated
7 years ago
My `download_data.sh` contains:
wget *****/train-jpg.tar.gz
mkdir output
tar -xvzf train-jpg.tar.gz -C output
I run this with `floyd run "sh download_data.sh"`, it runs successfully (and…