Currently reordering leaves the comments behind. Thus something like:
import { connect } from 'formik'
import { useReferenceData } from '../../reference'
// @ts-ignore
import { …
## 🐛 Bug report
### Current Behavior
We fetch data from server, and auto submit form:
## Bug report
### Current Behavior
Crashes the browser
### Expected behavior
To work the same as when using string keys
### Reproducible example
# Form Validation with Formik, Yup & React Router v6 • Edwards Moses - Web, Mobile - React & React Native Software Developer
In this article, we will explore how to use Formik and Yup with the new Re…
## Feature request
### Current Behavior
When using Formik with an asynchronous submit handler, `isSubmitting` is automatically set to false after the handler resolves (according to the important…
## Bug report
using .cast({}) causes form validation to stop working
### Current Behavior
the Yup cast method is not instantiating form validation
### Expected behavior
Form validation shoul…
## 🐛 Bug report
### Current Behavior
When loading a formik form in IE11, clicking the submit button without inputting any data results in the form doing a normal get request, which reloads the p…
## 🚀 Feature Proposal
Add forms to the component library.
Forms should have:
- [ ] form builder: outputs a jsonschema, including validation and field types
- [ ] auto building forms from a j…
Currently, we pass a ref to the `Formik` component explicitly. That ref is being assigned to `FormikProps`. We need a helper `getFormikProps` which accepts a `ReactWrapper` (provided by `enzyme`) poin…
## 🚀 Feature request
### Current Behavior
Formik does not transform values before submission. The workaround is to re-validate in the submit handler. However, this isn't very efficient.