When trying to install pandoc-citeproc using GHC 7.8.2, the file Text.CSL.Input.Bibtex fails with the error "ghc: memory allocation failed". Unclear which of the two is to blame...
Upgrade from Rails 2 to Rails 3
gayle updated
9 years ago
Let's go through and see if we missed anyone.
I don't know anything about gemspecs, but I assume that since stackprof is only needed for ruby 2.1 that you can't add it as a dependency? If so, this should probably be documented in the README.
Setup.py still lists py2neo.packages.urimagic as a dependency, but that dependency no longer exists. Which means that you can't install from master. Here's the error:
$ pip install -e git+gi…
So deploying to a `gh-pages` branch on Github with Octopress is relatively simple.
However, I already have a static site hosted on my `gh-pages` branch (and the source stored in the master branch).
I tried this in my `application.rb`
`if defined?(Bundler)
Bundler.require(*Rails.groups(:assets => %w(development test)))
require "letters/patch/rails"(*Rails.groups(:assets => %w(development t…
I tried posting a question to the Google Group but it hasn't been posted to the group - and it's been almost a day, so I assume something is going wrong there.
What I would like to do is once the fil…
I am a n00b Octopress user and am just getting my first blog setup.
If I understand it correctly, the contents of my blog are stored in my `octopress/_deploy` folder?
If that is the case, I am not q…
I have an HABTM association between 2 models and would love to use some sort of cache counter.
Does this gem support that?