The query:
$query = new ReadByQuery();
$response = $client->execute($query);
$result = $response->getResult();
The results:
Line 54 of Intacct.SDK.OnlineClient calls the method EnsureStatusSuccess. This will throw a hard exception with the primary request is successful, but the response contains errors in the errormessage…
Hi @jzornow thank you very much for creating this library.
I'm trying to get started with this code and I might be misinterpreting this but it looks like the XML generated for `read`, `readByQuery…
Should I contact you through the partner portal or through here?
How do I query Intacct for a list of invoices? I cannot find sample code to query under order entry:
I would like to query payments created from 2/1/2018 to 2/28/2018. Can I query using a date range?
public List SearchPaymentsByDate(DateTime beginDate, DateTime endDate)
Intact returned the following tag :
Needless to say, the C# Xml Parser barfs when it tries to parse the return message:
{System.Xml.XmlException: '/' is an unexpected token. The expect…
I would like to pull a list of recent modified inventory items and their stock:
Stock: 100
Stock: 101
Please send me the ReadByQuery. I assume your inventory is …
Is it possible to update custom objects?
I'm looking, for example, at the resulting code for creating a customer and seeing some significant discrepancies from the XML specified in API documentation for [Creating Customers](https://developer…
ghost updated
6 years ago