*Title*: Extend TLS inspector to capture JA3 client fingerprint
JA3 is a much more effective way to detect malicious activity over SSL than IP or domain based IOCs. Since JA3 detect…
It may be useful to add support to JA3S to MISP with the same format that JA3 which is already implemented :
attributes, first-seen, ip-dst, ip-src, ja3-fingerprint-md5, ja3s-fingerprint-…
Thanks for plugin, I compared it's output with these JA3 online tools:
- https://ja3er.com (json version: https://ja3er.com/json )
- https://tls.browserleaks.com (json version: https://tls.browserle…
I used Custom Extensions on some entities (using https://stix2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/extensions.html). If I understand the 2.1 spec correctly, I'll need to export my Extensions Defi…
I observed there is a difference in JA3 fingerprint/hash generated by pcapplusplus and JA3 fingerprint generated by a python tool (ja3) available in ubuntu.
for my experiment, I dump the pcap fi…
Before when a JA3 is in the blacklist https://sslbl.abuse.ch/ja3-fingerprints/ displays from ntopng web UI (host->TLS) a **forbidden icon** (see picture)
Now the forbidden icon is not displayed …
### Subject
This issue baffles me a little bit, because I cannot understand why it fails. Basically I am unable to login to my google account when I'm using urllib>=1.26.0. But let me first describ…
Is there a reason that json output was removed from ndpiReader?
The field "Application Name" of JA3 Client fingerprint in TLS is always empty
I use curl, wget, firewfox, IE,...
|Wazuh version| Component | Action type |
wazuh-manager-4.2.0-1.x86_64 running on amazon linux 2. All in one install.
## Description
I am trying to ingest aws network firewall alert logs into waz…