I wanted to revisit an old test case, so ran `examples/fokker-planck/fokker-planck-relaxation`, on a single core, with #289 at the present commit. I have an install with Julia-provided MPI and HDF5. I…
The PR https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/55886 stripped generic `AbstractIrrational` operations of their effect annotations. As a bugfix, it will be part of future v1.10, v1.11 and v1.12 Julia r…
As discussed at yesterday's meeting, LoopVectorization.jl, Octavian.jl, and JuliaSIMD in general will be deprecated for Julia v1.11. That is, code is likely to continue to work for the time being, but…
It can be 50x slower. See the following benchmark:
julia> using Dates, NanoDates
julia> using BenchmarkTools: @btime
julia> tstr = "2024-09-23T19:32:06.202111"
julia> @btime NanoDate($ts…
In issue #462, regression test is set up for comparing output of a run with the benchmark.
@visr suggests to add runtime into benchmark and make use one of existing Julia package to illustrate the…
With the latest Julia nightly as of the date of writing,
anshul ~/git/InteroperableJuliaBinaries julia +nightly juliac.jl --output-lib simple.so --compile-ccallable --trim ksmooth.jl
This is one of the stranger bugs I've ever seen. When I type `collect(())` at the REPL, it opens a new tab labeled "Julia Plots". The tab is empty. I tried running this in `JuliaInterpreter` to pin it…
My VS Code session freezes periodically when I'm using the built-in Julia REPL. I know this is a rather vague issue, and it might be due to some idiosyncrasy of my system rather than **julia-vscode**,…
Ever since upgrading to 0.7, Julia is indicated as busy forever after trying to get completion or hovering over e.g. a function. Function help or completions also never appear. It seems to work on the…
The use of `GapObj` as a constructor is getting more and more popular.
Currently the implementation provides just `GapObj(obj, recursive)`, and `GapObj(obj; recursive = false)`,
and delegates to the…