where is mobile ssd model? where is it.where is mobile net model??
Hi, it seems that in your work it is possible to visualize only the networks with FC layers between last conv layer and softmax. At the same time, the original CAM paper learned the "importance" weigh…
I am trying to implement number of networks using Keras applications. Here I am attaching a piece of code and this code works fine for ResNet50 and VGG16 but when it comes to MobileNet it generate the…
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It is my understanding that mobilenets only implement the depthwise conv portion separableconv2d.
My question is about how the implementation for seperableconv2d actually works:
Suppose I have a…
pGit1 updated
7 years ago
I am writing the MobileNets by ACL, I wonder if there is any interface could be used to implement the group convolution operation.
Thank you.
Any thoughts on submitting any of the demos as to the app store? I think offering a ready to go mobile version of inception-v3 / yolo / mobilenets would be awesome.
I am intending to implement mobilenet : [MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications
Any suggestions?
Hello everyone,
I have a question. Which is I used MobileNets for classification purpose and implemented it on android and PC, the problem is I get different prediction values on android and PC (linu…
I trained my own model using ssd_mobilenets in object_detection, and it works well on my computer. I see the update of android demo, I want to use the ssd_mobilenets model on my android phone. But I o…