### OpenGraph (Facebook)
Tutaj przykładowy obrazek: https://developer.mozilla.org/media/redesign/img/opengraph-logo.png
Obrazek widoczny jest w sieci społecznościowej jako miniatura strony.
Opis pó…
Hi, I have a monorepo, with the website under `apps/gatographql`. I have the following `netlify.toml`:
command = "npm run build --prefix apps/gatographql"
publish = ".next"
When filing in classes that have sub tags, a separate package is created.
It should be within the parent package.
**Expected behavior**
The classes should be sub tagged within the parent package.…
I think it would be nice to link to pages from Twitter and see a description in the link:
paf31 updated
6 years ago
## Problem Description
Currently, we get suitable meta descriptions for Google by chopping of any characters beyond the 150th of the abstract. This however, isn't good enough for TwitterCards and O…
### User story
As a member I can send credit and associated acknowledgement so that I can pay it forward and be part of the new economy
We are using off the shelf docusaurus site. Very little effort has been made to tune SEO or to evaluate analytics data. (The site is instrumented to gather Google Analytics data)
We would appreci…
I set up my website with Odoo and registered it on Google Merchant Center. Thanks to the new version: Merchant Center Next, it is no longer required to upload a product feed on your own.…
A minimal blog with simple DX that supports markdown would be a great addition.
- [x] the example is focused on a specific use case or technology
- [x] the example is self-contained and easy to gr…
### **Summary:**
MeetingBar is selecting the incorrect Microsoft Teams link by default. The application should prioritize the link that opens directly to the meeting rather than the one that only o…