According to , any python project should
store its metadata in `pyproject.toml`, not `.gitlint`, `.yamllint.yaml`, `.vintrc.yml`, `addon-info.json`, or other thing.
Many projects have support PEP6…
If I understand correctly, `MANIFEST.in` has no effect for sdist in when using hatchling (source: https://scikit-hep.org/developer/pep621). I was a bit confused as to why files I excluded in manifest …
I accidentally put a `source-includes` field in the `[project]` section of my pyproject.toml instead of `[tool.pdm]`. For versions of pdm-pep517 prior to 0.11.2 this was fine, but 0.12.0 up to the cu…
Python packaging is shifting away from setuptools as the only real build backend option. [PEP 517](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0517/) introduces a standard interface to insteract with build ba…
currently it is not posible to install this libary from source, only from wheel as they are packaged with the needed dll. However this is not obvious, as the install will complete and the libary _"jus…
According to , any python project should
store its metadata in `pyproject.toml`, not `.gitlint`, `.yamllint.yaml`, `.vintrc.yml`, `addon-info.json`, or other thing.
Many projects have support PEP6…
With https://github.com/pdm-project/pdm-pep517/pull/120 the build fails:
[builder@localhost pytoolconfig]$ python3 -m build
* Creating virtualenv isolated environment...
* Installing pa…
Running `pip check` inside a conda environment currently fails because meson-python depends on the PyPI version of ninja and cannot detect the actually installed ninja version from conda-forge.
When using the legacy setuptools `python setup.py` from the PyPI published sdist, setuptools installs a `validate_pyproject-*.egg-info` (also pre-packaged in the sdist), ~~or `validate_pyproject-0.9.…