I'm having a hard time filling in the .env file, please explain in more detail
1. В модуле AioQiwip2p в функции `__aexit__` вместо `self.client.aclose()` стоит `self.client.close()`, как будто клиент синхронный. Приводит к ошибке 'AsyncClient' object has no attribute 'close'. П…
Please answer the following before submitting your issue:
Note: Please include any substantial examples (debug session output,
stacktraces, etc) as linked gists.
1. What version of Delve are yo…
root `index.js` requires `./app`
export * from './button'
export * from './actions'
export * from './text-field'
export * from './password-field'
export * from './mask-text-field'
* describe `synchronizer` effects and limitations
* mention argv flags
* correct `inlinePlugin` description
Здравствуйте. Коммиты я делать не умею, разработчиком не являюсь, напишу просто текстом. В файле плагина /gateways/robokassa/leyka-class-robokassa-gateway.php нужно поправить несколько строчек - URL и…
How to get balance?
[Alipay ](https://intl.alipay.com/?locale=en_US) has a large number of users in Asia and is gradually expanding its influence in the world. Can you add [Alipay ](https://intl.alipay.com/?locale=en_US)…
* **Node.js Version**: 10.16.3
* **OS**: Windows
* **Scope (install, code, runtime, meta, other?)**: code
* **Module (and version) (if relevant)**: qiwi
I can’t change the balance replenishm…