These LOC are from the doc :
use std::time::Duration;
use std::convert::Infallible;
use warp::{Filter, sse::ServerSentEvent};
use futures::{stream::iter, Stream};
fn sse_events() -> im…
Recently, I was forced to upgrade the SignalR packages because the old ones won't work with azure SignalR service (port change from 5001 to 443).
I also updated to the latest signalr.js client JavaSc…
Now travis-CI accepts to build the source & docker images only from two branches: master and develop. And docker image tag is defined in either 'latest' and 'dev-latest'
Sometimes, developer need to …
System : Windows 10 1803 Build 17134
UWP Min Build : 16299
UWP Target Build : 17134
Visual Studio 15.9
Connection Error :
System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (203): An exception caus…
I raised this issue over at the Azure SignalR github (https://github.com/Azure/azure-signalr/issues/943) however I suspect this is an issue with the Javascript client itself. It does however render us…
A javascript client should be able to subscribe to SSE notification when a specific CEI is modified or when a job is done, a script terminate its excecution, etc
This SSE chanel should also be used t…
This is tricky to preproduce locally – in fact, we couldn't do it.
We used `keepAlive` to maintain an SSE HTTP connection, because due to a bug in akka-http (https://github.com/akka/akka-http/issue…
I'm developing a Blazor Webassembly PWA, and want to connect to a Signalr hub that's on a different subdomain, using cookie authentication.
I'm developing with Visual Studio 16.6.1 on Windows 10, N…
## Feature Request
Support for server-sent events in Tide apps.
## Detailed Description
Support for working creating server-sent event streams, easily, with Tide.
Some more general ser…
Inside "Blazor/src/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Browser.JS/src/Services/Http.ts", the response data is handled via " responseData = await response.arrayBuffer();", which reads the entire response strea…