Arrays can't be inside lists
**Test script:**
- **Script:**
function typeOf(o: objects) :: types:
loop all types:
if {_o::*} is loop-value:
add loop-value to {_t::…
I have a function with two number parameters and Skript thinks that I'm trying to make a list or something.
`set {_progresspercent} to getPercent(1,100)`
I then receive this warning.
`12.04 19:09…
When enabled, any script by default on Minecraft version 1.12 error
Spigot, dev 29
**The reason is clear, there is no compatibility with [MyZ](https://www.spigotmc.org…
82 errors for good syntax. What ?
Skript-dev30d (latest)
Umbaska 3.3 (latest)
SkQuery 3.5.9-Lime (latest)
TusKe 1.8.1 (latest)
Skellett 1.9.6 (latest)
Yeah I know the title is shit...
What I did:
registered a new expression: `(0¦x|1¦y|2¦z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s] of %vector%`
executed the following script:
command /k:
Hey Bensku, if you have used the expression:
``` Java
[the] (player|tab)[ ]list name[s] of %players%
%players%'[s] (player|tab)[ ]list name[s]
For set the name of the player in the tablist, if y…
Folgender Fehler ist auf der Produktion mehrmals aufgetreten:
Undefined index: ordner
File /home/web/1498391366288304463452/htdocs/tpak4/logic/jsonManager.php
Line 96
Url /…
ich habe Euer Projekt gefunden und würde es gerne bei mir Zuhaus ausprobieren und (wenn ich einarbeite) auch noch Status-LED oder einen Schlüsselschalter zum "schärfen" zum Code hinzufügen.
In Skript v2.2-dev29; lore of ITEM returns none even if the lore of the item is set
on right click:
message "lore: ""%lore of event-item%""" to player
Spigot 1.12.2
Done in a chat event