Have run test and check it pass it or not and give it true when you are passing by test cases.
Start to working with Deserialize the whole classes in UBL Invoice from xml to object. Serialize part working for now.
create library for other application create namespace for every PHP file and do it that every body can install it globally like a package.
in the Export, containing Doctypes, it seems that when a participant supports more than 1 doctype, these are not comma-separated, so that opening the csv in excel just appends all the doctypes as a lo…
Have some troubleshoot to de serialize my UBL invoice to Object. The library ````sabre/xml```` do it only for array, but need to do some hand up working that library and my real working to fix the pro…
module: account_invoice_ubl
version: 12.0
I was wondering if it was possible to mass export the XML ?
For instance, select a batch of invoice, go to Action/Export.
I couldn't find the…
with a "bad" XML file this bug could happens:
Call to a member function asText() on null", "exception": "Error", "file": "vendor/josemmo/einvoicing/src/Readers/UblReader.php", "line": …
rycks updated
2 years ago
@alexis-via and me were discussing about the XRechnung standard briefly during OXP 2019.
I took the task to review the current status of the spec and make sense on how this relates to F…
I updated the library and generate a XRrechnung file.
When I try to validate, I get
KoSIT Validator version 1.4.1
Loading scenarios from file:///G:/xrechnung/scenarios.xml
Using repos…
In relation to issue #119, it seems to me that the fix for the CII wasn´t completly correct (only BR-S-9 works). I get still validation errors in case of negative invoices. In UBL, however is everythi…