I have seen an enormous effort to enhance the advanced application to make it ready for public. Part of this focus is to create a product that reduces the amount of questions and to kickstart new user…
In lieu of the recent Rails YAML RCE vulnerability, Psych should provide a [safe_load](http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAMLDocumentation#LoadingYAML) equivalent method, that only loads Ruby primitives.
So continuing on from https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/pull/87, I thought it would be useful to have another master bug for the Backbone architecture and implementation in the client. One of the big …
I'd like to suggest that the "utility" functions be moved into a plugin, so that it's not mandatory to have those functions in the namespace. I tend to either write my own set of utility functions or…
Converted from [SourceForge issue 2454053](http://sourceforge.net/support/tracker.php?aid=2454053), submitted by albertzeyer
I (with Beta8) just played a normal game (on a Beta5 server). It was a Tea…