See https://github.com/bintray/gradle-bintray-plugin/issues/68
We need update the plugin when it is released.
This should solve the problem, when jars are bintrayUpload'ed they are not published and…
reference: http://sys1yagi.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/02/06/002823
as stated in the document I have added an `rootProject='myArtifactId'`, but unfortunately this doesn'T work. In my pom there is an entry `app`
Is there a way to set this artifactId in the build.…
We don't want krail-master pushed to Bintray, but if its bintrayUpload task is disabled, so are all the subprojects
I got the error message below. However, this did successfully publish to bintray, and I was then able to hit the dinosaur button in the web UI an the artifacts successfully sync'd to Sonotype OSS.
I have created a package on bintray already - but it seems that the gradle plugin requires that I enter all the package config info (i.e. Licences etc) here as well. Am I missing something? I ex…
i got an error from this
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':MaterialTabsModule:bintrayUpload'.
> Could not create package 'jjhesk/maven/advan…
The bintray plugin is broken on Gradle 2.4+, because the task that bintrayUpload is trying to depend on doesn't exist until after bintrayUpload tries to depend on it, throwing a NullPointerException. …
During the bintrayUpload, it fails on javaDoc generation. It cannot find my `com.library.R` and `BuildConfig`. Is there a way to solve this ?
After importing via the repo I get:
`java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/birin/easylistviewadapters/R$string;`
The build script does not appear to successfully generate the R…