**1. 环境(environment)**
- Build OS and Version: Ubuntu
- RunTime OS Version: Linux
**2. Github版本**
- branch:
- commit(optional):
**3. 编译方式(compile method)**
Hello, your human pose landmark model is very effective, and we want to apply it to other places, but the current ``tflite`` model after quantization. After converting it to ``onnx``, the model output…
#### 1. OS Ubuntu 18.04
#### 2. OS Architecture x86_64
#### 3. Version of OpenVINO 2021.2.185
#### 4. Version of tflite2tensorflow 1.8.0
#### 11. URL or source code for simple inference testing c…
Hi. Thank you for grate work!
I use docker image.
I try convert retinaface mobilenet v1 model to tflite
#### 1. OS you are using e.g. Ubuntu 20.04, WIndows10, etc
#### 2. OS Architecture e.g. x86_64, armv7l, aarch64, etc
#### 4. Version of TensorFlow e.g. v2.4.1, tf-nightly==2.5.0.dev2…
I have been looking for the models corresponding to the features reported in the papers for the implementation of BlazePose and Medipipe Hands to replicate the reported results.
* Bla…
Vladimir, i recive errors in my nodejs project on start
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Kernel 'RotateWithOffset' not registered for backend 'tensorflow'
at Engine.runKernel (engine.ts:548)
Hi! Thank you for your great work!
I'm confused about BlazePose Output where (156,) numbers like
`[ 2.52126999e+02, 6.02675476e+01, 0.00000000e+00,
7.85891479e+02, 1.81462738e+02, 1.…
I want to use ML Kit Pose Detection API using **BlazePoes** with flutter, Since Currently android and ios version is available.
https://pub.dev/packages/firebase_ml_vision (**Firebase Ml V…
I can build the Android example app with
`bazel build -c opt --config=android_arm64 mediapipe/examples/android/src/java/com/google/mediapipe/apps/posetrackinggpu:posetrackinggpu`
Is there a way to…