hello ,thanks for your code and paper, can you share the dateset ? thanks agin, 624848668@qq.com
train_root = '/data/Datasets/webface/CASIA-maxpy-clean-crop-144/'
train_list = '/data/Datasets/webface/train_data_13938.txt'
val_list = '/data/Datasets/webface/val_data_13938.txt'
请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem
- 系统环境/System Environment:
- 版本号/Version:Paddle: PaddleOCR: 问题相关组件/Related components:
- 运行指令/Command Cod…
Hi, thanks a lot for the pytorch implementation of the arcface!
I'm trying to train the model using your code, but I find no where to download the webface dataset, It's homepage is missing.
I'd be …
im trying to train insightFace on CASIA - Webface, and i tryed to train arcface from scratch, but it seems difficult, although the accuracy could be high, but the validation rate on lfw is very low, l…
Thanks for sharing the codes! Could you please provide the 'cvt_ms1m_masked.py' with more details, thanks a lot!
In the paper it shows "The overall model design is largely motivated by efficiency. Given a precomputed image embedding, the prompt encoder and mask decoder run in a web browser, on CPU, in ∼ **50ms**…
Hello everyone,
I am trying to run this code on single GPU and after following the parameters mentioned #14 , I am getting this error.
``` ----------------- Options ---------------
Hi,thanks your nice work.
I reproduce the model based on Occluded_DukeMTMC, and the result is much beterr than the result posted on paper, and I did not adjust any relevant hyperparameters