All listed stt are cloud based. Could you add support for at least one self-hosted STT?
In the [Tutorial Page](http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/wiki/tutorialsphinx4), there is a typo in the code:
public static void main(String[] ar…
Steps to reproduce
1. (How do you make the issue happen? Does it happen every time you try it?)
2. (Make sure to go into as much detail as needed to reproduce the issue. Postin…
As far as I can tell, there aren't any official sphinx4 release artifacts in Maven Central, only unofficial forks.
It'd be nice to have officia…
Firstly, thanks so much for working on this library, it's simple to use and incredibly useful!
I was trying to set the keyword elements for the CMU Sphinx recognition. I eventually noticed that the c…
Sorry - it is not really an issue but is is really bugging me and I cannot find the reason why.
I am trying to refactor the web example code to fully understand the logic behind it.
However after…
FluffOS should build/run on OSX with packages installed with homebrew with ease.
Not quite sure if this is an issue with https://github.com/watsonbox/homebrew-cmu-sphinx or with sphinxbase...
`brew install --HEAD watsonbox/cmu-sphinx/cmu-sphinxbase`
==> Ins…
Related #31
This is all in the sd_integration branch. Issues left to be resolved:
* Prettify the checker display. Make the checkers scale as the display gets bigger, give it a background grid, …
Aujourd'hui Jarvis supporte PocketSphinx pour la reconnaissance du mot clé "Jarvis" (uniquement).
Le dictionnaire utilisé est très limité (100 mots) car il est limité par la puissance du Raspberry Pi …