### Expected behavior
Template sets should provide all dependencies which were in the old monolithic templates like before:
## Estimation of effort
Made fullstack app with simple biznes logic.
App for managing task list for the employees with register/logging + CRUD methods for tasks
## Acceptance criteria
Так как мы, похоже, определились с роутингом (стандартный resource), то пора взяться за базовый CRUD контроллер для админки.
### Существующие решения в наших проектах
#### CompassPools, Axis Big
Currently, one of our major issues is that we have to maintain several plug-ins which make use of similar templates.
For example, the OpenAPI plug-in contains increments/templates like _TOs_ or _CR…
# 🎯 8주차(2기)
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我有一个类似于服务框架的项目, 由于业务需要, 它的组织形式可能是一个app. 也可能是一个lib.
这个项目有自己的数据库文件, 当项目是一个app的时候, 万事大吉, 啥事都没有, 整个app就只有这一个db.
但是当它变成一个lib的时候, 由于app自身也带了一个自己的数据库, 两个数据库都用了LitePal方案, 那么就会造成各种冲突:
1. 模块中的litepal.xml文件…
**Describe the bug**
Can not display an unmapped field of type `Datetime` on index page of the crud entity.
Got `The "dateEcheance" field does not exist in the "App\Entity\Facture" entity.`
**To …