As we are trying code-connect on the internal Meta design system, we ran into an issue with React children handling textContent. We are rendering three children: two `figma.instance` and one `figma.te…
vjeux updated
3 weeks ago
**Fleet version**: 4.59 main branch (unreleased)
**Web browser and operating system**: Chrome
### 💥 Actual behavior
When resizing your browser window (smaller) on the Setup Experience page f…
Adding a hamburger menu to the navbar enhances responsiveness by condensing navigation options into a single icon, saving space on smaller screens. This design choice improves usability, allowing user…
The `spinner` and `spinner_double` are two different default sizes and they should probably have the same default size
located on the Browse All Depositions Page: https://www.figma.com/design/Rrr54QysCLa14vOnQcmejb/Janeece---Annotation-Depositions?node-id=3225-59819&node-type=frame&m=dev
## What?
Add four different icons representing various mail statuses: a standard envelope, an envelope with a + sign for subscribing, an envelope with a - sign for unsubscribing, and an envelope wi…
Do you take visual design proposals?
The site has a strong retro vibe, which I don't know if it was intentional.
In case it wasn't an intentional design decision: I drafted a figma design I'd like…
## Motivation
Following up a discussion started in https://github.com/PyLops/pylops/pull/617, our current design of PyLops allows one to solve inverse problems in two modalities: end-to-end CPU and e…
Not being able to search for and choose a taxon for an observation while offline is annoying for, well, maybe everyone, but particularly [power users](https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/inaturalist-next-…
wanted_list = ["Design, develop, test, refactor and scale backend implementations of new and existing consumer product features"]
scraper = AutoScraper()
result = scraper.build(url,…