I'd like to use the microSD slot on the STM32F7-Discovery board. This is connected to:
Pin | GPIO | Description
-- | -- | --
A12 | PC12 | SDMMC_CK
G14 | PC8 | SDMMC_D0
As stated by Matus Zeman @matuszeman here https://groups.google.com/a/zend.com/forum/#!topic/apigility-users/zck43pReklw there seems to be a bug in the Hal helper when rendering single entities.
I know that LVGL has been used with ChibiOS, all we need to do is have expose the task apis and the mutex, semaphore structures to LVGL.
I think we could do something cool to allow for drop-in RTOSs …
De huidige, niet normatieve, API Strategie extensie voor [navigatie](https://docs.geostandaarden.nl/api/API-Strategie-ext/#navigation-controls) (API-71) schrijft voor dat voor elke GET-response opgevr…
The current `RepresentationModel` only supports links. Since many concrete representations support sub resources, e.g.:
* `_embedded` in HAL / HAL Forms
* `entities` in Siren
* `included` in JSON…
What are your thoughts on `Datetime`, `Time`, `Date` etc traits? They seem like a good fit because they're not available natively on `no_std`, are a common feature. It would be nice to be able to writ…
I was kind of having a hard time getting the grasp of trying to use the digital GPIO pin. I worked it out in the end anyway, but I think it would be cool to add basic examples as simple a…
Im trying to learn to use the rpi pico with rust (already know rust, have done the embedded discovery book, so have some, minimal level of knoledge), but, in trying to follow the given example, im tru…
I think that while it's great there are so many examples, the issue is that because they all depend on one large Cargo.toml, it's very difficult to see which parts of the cargo.toml are actually neede…
The current unit tests are really not sufficient and a maintenance burden (I'm likely to remove them in an upcoming pull request).
Once embedded-hal is supported, an integration test suite should b…