I noticed different work when I'm calling `$browserFactory->createBrowser()` with/without `'headless' => false`
With `'headless' => false` appeared chrome window with load page and return full html…
When I run ghosts in `"isheadless": "false"` mode, everything works fine. But when I use `"isheadless": "true"`, I get a `session not created: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist` error.
PhantomJS no longer being maintained, switch to chrome headless instead.
PhantomJS announcement: https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/15344
Chrome headless: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/pu…
## Expected behavior
I expect tests that passes on Chrome and Chromium version 127 to also work with Chrome and Chromium 128.
## Actual Behavior
Running the same tests after upgrading Chrome …
Chrome version 128.0.6613.137
Windows server 2022 Datacenter
When starting chrome using `chrome --headless` a seemingly empty browser window pops up and hangs.
In the command prompt the following …
We can't run headless Chrome in a function app hosted in a premium plan, but it works in consumption plan.
We have two function apps running on an elastic premium plan (EP1:1). One is using dotnet …
### Feature request
I would like ability to generate dockerfile that will run as a non root user. Required for apps that run headless chrome for example.
前言Google Chrome早就支持了headless模式,但一般都是在Linux上运行,而我泽习惯于在WSL上开发,折腾了好久终于找到了可以在WSL上跑headless模式的方法。
以下以WSL中安装的是Ubuntu 18.04系统为例。
### It's working
options = ChromeOptions()
driver = Chrome(options=options, driver_executable_path='./chrome-driver')
### but it's not working :(
### FAQ
- [X] Yes, my issue is not about [variability](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/blob/main/docs/variability.md) or [throttling](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/blob/main…