Convert Molecular Absorption Spectroscopy lab include all experiments to IPython notebook and create document it
Made some changes to support running from an ipython qtconsole (requires the \r
to be at the beginning of the line and the stream to be flushed).
Also added support for rendering widgets as HTML…
Made some changes to support running from an ipython qtconsole (requires the \r
to be at the beginning of the line and the stream to be flushed).
Also added support for rendering widgets as HTML…
Before IPython 4.0 when `ipython-notebook` was installed the widget functionality was included. But now when I install `ipython-notebook` the widgets are no longer included.
@wasade suggesting following something like: http://notebooks.codeneuro.org/, which I agree.
![screen shot 2014-09-08 at 11 34 56 am](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/71486/4188780/2b750ba2-3776-11e4-8210-38389618cf7c.png)
![screen shot 2014-09-08 at 11 36 35 am](https://cloud.gith…
Do you have an example of how to embed plots inline within an iPython Jupyter/Notebook? I've tried embedding HTML with the get_bokeh_html(fig) approach with no luck (results in an inline blank image n…
apoku updated
8 years ago
When I change T to any value other than 400 in iPython notebook, I get lots of warnings followed by a CompileError. This occurs when I run the "posteriormodel.resample_model" line. If I run the exam…
## Description
Currently, in an iPython notebook, if a user does not handle keyboard interrupt and the spinner is running, a `KeyboardInterrupt` is thrown but the spinner keeps spinning.
A minimal example of the problem:
from IPython.display import display, JSON
json_dict = {"my data":{1:"this", 2:"is", 3:"a", 4:"test"}}
display(JSON(json_dict, expanded=True))
in n…