Hey again,
another problem of me is, I want to have a multi-author-blog and want to autogenerate **pages** with all articles for a specific author. I know of the autopages "optional pagination addo…
ghost updated
7 years ago
I'm using the block format instead of the tag because I want to do something like this:
{% responsive_image_block %}
path: {{ site.responsive_image.base_path | append: page.id | append: "…
Hi. I'm a newbie to Jekyll but managed to get the plugin to work and it works well :) I used your example config from the README file. I found I needed to reverse the order of the 'sizes' when using t…
viv-b updated
7 years ago
I have installed Jekyll-SEO-tag as per the specification and my config is as follows:
# Site settings
title: Ray Besiga
email: raybesiga@gmail.com
description: > # this means to ignore newlines u…
When working on solving an issue a contributer will often face questions like
the ones in this new thead I will use as an example below in message nr2:
The type of questions boil down aski…
- [x] Type question.
- [x] I have updated all gems with `bundle update`.
- [x] I have tested locally with `bundle exec jekyll build`.
## Environment informations
mm theme v4.0.10
During th…
It no longer works in Firefox 53. Says: "I'm disabled".
Could you give me a link or brief how to use WET 2.0/4.0?
I browse the WET related web sites for a couple of days. I cannot find anywhere really introduce how to start a web site following WET standar…
currently you can configure the sizes of images that are generated upon building. Those sizes are used to create the srcset tag.
I think it would be helpful, if there is a possibility to conf…