I'm writing a program that only needs the grammar and kaldi backend and it would be nice if I only had to pull in dependencies for those two features. Kaldi is already hidden behind a feature flag whi…
Is there some code or instructions on how to call the online2-wav-nnet3-latgen-faster and build your own apk that uses the compiled android kaldi binaries?
Hi Yuan
We have another question: What was the length of the audio files you used? In the paper it is written thatthey are 10 seconds but with 10 seconds the resulting spectrograms (from torchaudio…
- 16 July 2018: 95.7 hours (46,347 utterances, 181 speakers, 27,330 uniq. sentences)
I use my account to `aws s3 cp s3://zeroth-opensource/AUDIO_INFO AUDIO_INFO`. But have as follow error:
I was trying to use segment_long_utterances.sh on 6 5-hour-long files.
Upon reaching stage 4, I get the following message:
steps/cleanup/decode_segmentation.sh --beam 15.0 --lattice-beam 1.0 --…
I am trying to launch the example in the readme.txt,
unfortunately I don't have any files in the folder temp/lang which make me having this error :
> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No suc…
ERROR (ivectorTest:SubMatrix():kaldi-matrix.cc:1466)
This problem doesn't always happen.
We would like a keyword detection enhancement to DeepSpeech, i.e, the ability to detect a key word or phrase directly from a WAV audio file. We saw "keyword spotting" in the Meeting Notes as a potenti…
I would like to train a Keyword Spotting (KWS) model using Kaldi and then use it with Vosk. How can I do that?
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