Currently, the `minimize` method of a map finds the minimum of the specific intensity (useful for ensuring the maps are positive semi-definite) by calling `scipy.minimize`, which is really dumb. @dfm …
Good evening,
I see in the code that some worm sampling capability seems to be implemented. I would be interested in testing it out, for a 2-particle GF calculation, in the non-degenerate 2-band Hubb…
[Suggested 1st issue].
The following should return the 3rd degree Legendre polynomial, `5*x**3/2 - 3*x/2`:
from sympy import *; var('x k')
legendre(5 - k, x).subs(k, 2)
Instead, I g…
>>> n = symbols('n', positive=True, integer=True)
>>> zeta(2*n)
>>> zeta(-n)
>>> integrate((hermite(n, x))**(2)*exp(-x**2), (x, -oo, oo))
Integral(exp(-x**2)*hermite(n, x…
ghost updated
6 years ago
I've made Go bindings for RELIC at https://github.com/dis2/bls12 which is a far descendant of https://github.com/FiloSottile/powersoftau/tree/master/bls12 . It is loosely API-compatible with bn256.
Error linking simple program (https://github.com/ruivieira/scrapyard/tree/master/gibbs) using the `GSL` crate.
Command: `cargo build`
Compiling libc v0.2.10
Compiling num…
Hi! I was reading the [Function-like objects](https://docs.julialang.org/en/stable/manual/methods/#Function-like-objects-1) section of the Julia language documentation, and also @dpsanders's recent [b…
The freeCodeCamp community has started building an interactive, browser-based Math for Programmers curriculum. It's just a matter of designing the thousands of LaTeX-driven challenges necessary to tea…
I tried using the Legendre and Chebyshev models today and they don't seem to be behaving like I was expecting. Specifically, for each degree I thought there should be a unique set of coefficients for …
On 0.19:
>>> import scipy
>>> scipy.__version__
>>> import scipy.special as sc
>>> sc.legendre(5).coeffs
array([ 7.87500000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, -8.75000000e+00,