When use [Moltin Cart](https://github.com/moltin/cart) I always fails when using `Yii::app()->user->setFlash()`. Functions for adding and removing item in basket have always failed. How can I use both…
Transfer all customer-related functions (not customer info) from FireBase to Moltin
While trying to add an item to the order (whether via curl or the php sdk) I always get the same:
> TAX_BAND, TAX_RATE required
This is my call
`$result = \Moltin\SDK\Facade\Order::AddItem(…
At the time of payment I got an error:
Got Http response code 400 when accessing https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/payments/payment.
Am currently integrating with moltin, have had difficulty Authenticating as per [official example](https://moltin.com/getting-started/nodejs)
``` javascript
var moltin = require('moltin')({
Using Moltin js sdk.
I am adding Items to cart but when i checkout
I see that the items which are added are not same
sometimes it is from last order
and sometimes in existing order any one of item is …
Using this code:
moltin.Authenticate(function() {
var product = moltin.Product.Find({slug: 'test-product'});
... produces this console error in Chrome:
> (moltin.js:126) Synchronous…
Within the PHP SDK we have a method that generates the cart ID (which can be anything set by the user) which is then stored in a "mcart" cookie - https://github.com/moltin/php-sdk/blob/version1/src/Mo…
@ajsturrock: Hi Adam, just doing some extra work on the black crows site. We tried to add a new flow to category to add a cover image to category pages
Dave Ghijben [10:30 AM]
I added a new field…