Gauge version: 0.1.8
java (0.2.2)
ruby (0.0.6)
html-report (1.0.4)
This is what I see when I execute.
I also see lot of unwanted, verbose INFO messages.
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 920
What steps will reproduce the problem?
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
test works on ubuntu for example.
I see on wi…
See here: pg 7
This link: https://storyweaver.org.in/stories/679-raju-aur-tarakari
The [Gauge documentation on installation](http://getgauge.io/documentation/user/current/plugins/installation.html) says that you can install a plugin (`gauge --install `) or update a plugin (`gauge --…
I entered 'pi' as the login and 'raspberry' as the password but apparently it they are incorrect login details. please can you tell me how to login.
If Visual Studio is killed or crashes, the child `gauge` processes are orphaned. These need to be killed.
What are the shell, ssh and web UI usernames and passwords ?
Hi! How can I switch to the audio jack output instead of hdmi? I currently run a HD video with pisignage but I have to change the audio output... thx
While using varnam in ibus, all other options will have a number. it will be very easy if we could pick our choice by hitting the number
How about we run all the scenarios in random order? This forces people to write scenarios which are not dependent. We can also provide a flag which will turn this behavior off.