We're looking to implement certificate-based pairing between Linux-based devices and mobile apps. A crucial step in this process is the ability to programmatically set Out-of-Band (OOB) data for a dev…
I'm working with future worldclim data for bioclimatic variables, which is chunked along the X axis, and also has a Y and Band axis.
Reading in a single slice along the Band axis takes almost as lo…
Related: https://github.com/pivotal/concourse-ops/issues/170
We have observed on Hush House that sometimes, a worker pod is ungracefully restarted by Kubernetes when memory consumption exceeds an i…
### Background
When using NCPP, S matrix is a unit matrix, which, however, cost $nproc * nbands * nbands$-complex memories.
For example, when nbands = 6000 and nproc=96, S will cost about 51.5 GB!
I am proposing that, when creating a new stream, the receiver should pass the `aud` value, instead of assuming the transmitter already knows it.
This issue is specifically tied to the work being do…
# Welcome to the Common Voice Community !
> Common Voice aims to make speech technology accessible to everyone by building an open sourced dataset of labelled voice data that is representative of l…
After the realtime pipeline has been migrated to be run on Slurm with 5 nodes, each of which hosts 2 parallel jobs (starting from 2024 Oct 1 or so), we have encountered two primary symptoms that we di…
Each band that comes out of DWT has a different length. How did you fit them all into the model wh…
xrt setup fail, you can see that xocl.ko and xclmgmt.ko cannot find the card
also, the alveo U30 card presents as "Serial controller: Xilinx Corporation Device abcd"
➜ xilinx lspci -vd 10ee:
jiayy updated
2 weeks ago
### Feature description
I'd like to be able to load STAC items that have bands referenced as distinct geotiffs. The current GTI docs indicate it is limited to using a `location` field that points to …