In [`e48d158`](https://github.com/tjsky/upptime/commit/e48d1585933ff07f5baa4302f94676c52338a744
), 反代17(-s.online) (https://pikpak.yang-s.online/ was **down**:
- HTTP cod…
### Please make sure of the following things
- [X] I have read the [documentation](https://alist.nn.ci).
- [X] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions.
- [X] I'm sure it's due to `alist…
### Please make sure of the following things
- [X] I have read the [documentation](https://alist.nn.ci).
- [X] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions.
- [X] I'm sure it's due to `a…
没找到设置, 能添加重试次数自定义设置吗? 下面这个重试了一次,上传成功. 有时候上传电视剧,少一集,不知道是不是超过次数了
[0] 提示: 当前上传单个文件最大并发量为: 4, 最大同时上传文件数为: 4
[1] 加入上传队列: S04.EP07.HD1080p.mp4
[1] 准备上传: S04.EP07.HD1080p.mp4
[1] 获取文件列表错误, 获取目录下的文件列表…
I think we should step to a roadmap till this weekend, i.e. Jul. 31. I pretty want to see this project working before anime fall season starts.
Here I have come up with some possible tasks (with or…
请问作者能否增加支持 pikpak :[https://mypikpak.com/drive/all](https://mypikpak.com/drive/all),非常感谢
这里 获取的next_page_token 永远相同无法获取到下一个目录的值 会死循环
Hi 作者,我遇到了一个问题,希望你帮忙看下。
我是使用qbittorrent搭配gclone上传到Google Drive作为离线下载使用,准备了100个SA账户,理论上每天可以上传75TB的数据,这种模式运行了快两年,一直保持较为稳定的状态,但从上周五开始,我发现大量的SA账户出现了403: User rate limit exceeded报错提示,通过debug查看到程序一直在切换SA账户…