Please help me to add @meiton and #hashtag together
Thank you
* **Markwon version**: _{4.2.0}_
1. I have an article and it's mardown , the mardown string was splited to a list of text , and each string need to render with different colors by custom rule.
Hi, i'm using spannable string and the issue is i've multiple tooltips required.
i need a solution to that, may be if i'd somehow pass an index of a textview, i'd get the textview at the correct posi…
* **Markwon version**: 4.2.1-SNAPSHOT + GlidePlugin
Async drawable doesn't show up if it's the only thing in the text view.
In the source code of the `ReplacementSpan` there's this suspicious ja…
I have an Android library module that depends on the `toSpannable()` extension from Android `core-ktx` and version `0.34.0` of ktlint is detecting `import androidx.core.text.toSpannable` as an unused …
I have a lot of these messages in log. Is it a misconfiguration on my end?
2019-08-03 11:59:11.248 26871-26871/app.fedilab.android I/FrameSeqDecoder: No need to stop
2019-08-03 11:59:11.251 268…
ghost updated
5 years ago
How do I override Tab Layout font to my custom font? Can't do that.
* **Markwon version**: _{3.0.1}_
1. Markwon unescapes html entities in a string, converting "\>" to ">". But further processing doesn't happen and ">" character stays as is instead of creating a…
Sometimes it may make sense to show menu entries with sub labels, can you add this as well?
[SECTION] "Change state"
[MENU 1] …
* **Markwon version**: 2.0.2
In my messaging app I want to show default urls along with embedded ones.
**Actual behavior**
if I add `android:autoLink="web|email"` to `textView` to support defa…