First of all I wanted to say what a cool project moviepy is and thank everyone who participated in it.
I wrote an algorithm using moviepy which cuts a clip in very tiny bits and applies different e…
I'm trying to render subtitles on a video.
The text keeps appearing on top left of the video although i used `set_position` to make it center bottom. any help?
def render_subtitles(video…
from moviepy.editor import *
t = u'อยากกินข้าว'.encode('utf-8')
clip1 = ColorClip((1920, 1080), col=(255, 0, 0)).set_duration(10)
Dear Federico,
I did not managed to get the cleaned text into the subtitle object:
Frist I tried:
sub_gen = parse('./Keep the Home Fires Burning.srt')
for subtitle in sub_gen:
Hello Shaka team,
I wonder if is posible to add a new caption or audio (probably a new language) without having to repackage again everything in order to save space. This means you have the manifes…
I just acquired a new physical server and installed an NVIDIA Quadro P2000 in it. I've compiled ffmpeg with nvenc support which shows cuda as my only available hardware acceleration. Is cuda supported…
I have been using other-transcode very successfully since you made it available. Unfortunately, just starting a few hours ago, it is failing with "Scanning media failed" errors.
In general, I trans…
* Apply Electron's patches to src/third_party/pdfium
/var/tmp/portage/dev-util/electron-9.3.1/temp/environment: line 6925: cd: /var/tmp/portage/dev-util/electron-9.3.1/work/src/third_party/pdfi…
Last commit destroyed the dispaly of HD and SD-Source. Picture is deformed and cut of at bottom. OSD is OK