Similar to TM3, the project creation view should support the option to include custom services such as WMS TMS or WMTS.
I tried going to the Wetlands Synthesis Portal at http://arcg.is/2nZ0A1Q (built with ESRI App Builder), clicked the "Add Data" icon and tried to add this THREDDS ncWMS endpoint:
I'm trying to run the standard qwc-docker on a Synology NAS. I'm no docker expert - and after a couple of days of googling and tinkering - I'm stuck. I believe I'm trying to change the port that qgis-…
PLease add the following WMS-Service I hope I did everything as …
_From @dud3 on September 23, 2015 22:51_
@tombatossals I'm trying to use the following service: http://webapiv2.navionics.com/examples/5000_LeafletSupport.html
Checking the examples, the overlays ar…
OLIVER is supposed to be able to request a map in an alternate projection.
For discussion of the implementation of this see Charlton's comment:
**Description of the bug**
For this public resource https://www.hydroshare.org/resource/615d426f70cc4346875c725b4b8fdc59/ the wfs and wms map services links return a 404 error
En la documentación indica que el parámetro `id` va al final de la orden [Doc](http://admin-tools.readthedocs.io/es/python_cli/portal-layers.html#add):
usage: portal portal-layers add [-h] [-f…
Ik zou graag in de metadata van services ook de link naar de jsonld (geojson?) url op willen kunnen nemen: deze moet dan wel in de publicatieomgeving beschikbaar gesteld worden. Ik vermoed dat iso1911…
When I render surface pressure I get a nice smooth rendering using the following parameters:
Sea level pressure: