**Describe the bug**
I am trying to send cli commands to airflow. I try sending `airflow list_dags` to the running scheduler/web pod but it seems to either default to the git-sync sidecar or cannot f…
Airflow doesn't sync the git repo as I provided in `gitSync` in `values.yaml`.
Here is the dag part for the values.yaml
## mount path for persistent volume.
## Note th…
I'm trying to install the jupyter notebook app on airflow. My goal is to `nbconvert` a notebook as part of a DAG. For this purpose, I wanted to use a `BashOperator()` to `cd` to the `mynotebook…
**Apache Airflow version**: 1.10.9
**Kubernetes version: 1.15.11
- **Cloud provider**: Google Cloud
**What happened**:
I started to notice that Airflow webserver perfor…
**Describe the bug**
Prometheus Query Function returns error.
**Version of Helm and Kubernetes**:
Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.16.1", GitCommit:"bbdfe5e7803a12bbdf97e94cd847859890cf4050", …
What is the quickest way to add authentication to the plugin? e.g. modifying the path?
Do you think it would be possible to add an health status metric based on https://airflow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/howto/check-health.html ?
The recent change https://github.com/robinhood/airflow-prometheus-exporter/pull/11 added a requirement to define a `config.yml` file. This does not gracefully handle the case where no `config.yml` fil…
**Which chart**:
bitnami/postgresql-ha 1.1.0, postgresql version 11.6.0 Chart for PostgreSQL with HA architecture (using Replicat...
I basic…